Chelsea Tinney
Educator. Lifelong Learner. Spartan.
Showcase of Graduate Work
Michigan State University's (MSU) Master of Arts in Education (MAED) program challenged me to think critically about my teaching philosophy and practices as an educator. As a result, I spent tremendous amounts of time reflecting and believe that I have developed a concrete idea of what it means to be an effective educator. Through my concentration in Technology and Learning, I gained a significant amount of knowledge specifically regarding effective use of technology in the classroom. Although, I believe I have acquired a considerable amount of knowledge throughout my MAED program, I have also gained skills and experience that I will continue to use throughout my time as an educator. Below, you will find numerous artifacts that I created throughout my time as an MAED student. This showcase of work has been separated into three categories: Technology in the Classroom, Supporting All Learners, and Leadership. These three categories represent the three areas I feel I have grown the most throughout my time in the MAED program. Although these ideas are not new to me, I have a better understanding of their significance which will allow me to apply these understandings to my professional practices.
Click on the artifact title or image to view the work in its entirety.
Technology in the Classroom
"Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational." - George Couros
I created this Geometry Resource Library as a collection of technology tools and resources and their evaluations for myself and other Middle School Teachers. I included four different categories for these tools and resources: Transformations, Similar Triangles, Surface Area & Volume of Shapes, and Miscellaneous. By completing this resource library, I learned how to effectively evaluate technology so that I have a better understanding of how and why these tools would be useful in my classroom. I gained insight into the different affordances of technology and have a better understanding of how, why and when to use technology in the classroom. Although this library evaluates primarily geometry tools, I now have a protocol to determine the effectiveness of any and all technology I would consider using in my classroom.
This website was created to redesign a unit that had not effectively incorporated technology previously. I created this unit with both learners and teachers in mind. By working through the different lessons, learners will explore multiple transformations in a fun and engaging way. On the teacher side of things, teachers can also explore the different lessons with guided notes along the way. I made sure to include the reasoning behind each decision that I made so that teachers can effectively use this unit in their classroom with an understanding of the "why." Previously, I would use technology occasionally as a time filler or as supplemental practice. Through designing this unit, I have a better understanding of how, why, and when to use technology in the classroom.
Supporting All Learners
"All students can learn and succeed, but not on the same day in the same way."
- William G. Spady
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Through the Literacy Learner Analysis project, I worked with an individual learner, "Katie," to develop her mathematics literacy skills and to conduct an in-depth analysis of effective literacy instruction. I conducted interviews with Katie and her family, a pre-test, two lessons, and a post-test. I analyzed the results based on my knowledge of Katie's personal and academic life and determined the effectiveness of my instructional decisions. By completing this project, I was able to tailor instruction based on best practices of teaching literacy. I gained insight in regards to the effectiveness of different strategies that can be used in teaching literacy in the classroom. I also had the opportunity to provide individualized instruction for Katie which reinforced the idea that differentiating instruction will yield positive results.
Through the creation of my Special Education Resource Binder, I worked on creating a resource for not only myself but other teachers as well. This resource library focuses on ten different components of special education. Each component is explained through defining what it is, what it looks like in the classroom and the key takeaways. By creating this resource library, I have gained a better understanding of the different types of disabilities and plans put in place to support special education learners. I have gained more confidence in effectively executing these plans (Individualized Education Program, Section 504) so that not only am I following the law, but I am creating the least restrictive environment in which my learners can be successful. I have no doubt that I will continue to reference my resource library throughout my time as an educator.
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In this Case Study I had the opportunity to work with a learner "Mya." I observed Mya's behavior in the classroom, created a few hypotheses as to why she behaved the way she did, developed an action plan to help redirect her behavior, and analyzed the results. Through this case study, I gained knowledge in supporting struggling learners by using a particular protocol. I developed the skills necessary for combatting a problem of practice (distraction of learners by phones and friends). I applied my knowledge of understanding and engaging learner resistance. This allowed me to practice reading behavior and responding to it in a developmentally productive and enriching manner. The insight I gained in studying this one particular learner will allow me to continue this practice and support my learner's success in the classroom.
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This Individualized Education Program (IEP) was written for a fictitious learner and contained the seven major components of a high-quality IEP. This IEP provides insight into the learner's background (academically and socially), his disability, his academic goals and the necessary accommodations to help him be successful in the least restrictive environment. By writing this IEP, I not only learned the tremendous amount of thought and detail that goes into writing this program, but I have a better understanding of what I as a general education teacher should provide as a member of the IEP team as well as the pieces most important and useful to me in successfully helping the learner at hand. I gained significant amounts of knowledge in regards to the legally binding contract that I will continue to use year after year for my special education learners.
"A contagious educator has passion, leads change, and seeks to add value to others."
- Matt Wachel
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I created this screencast as a way to discuss the seven different leadership styles: Opportunist, Diplomat, Expert, Achiever, Individualist, Strategist and Alchemist. I examined the different qualities of each leadership style in depth as they all have unique qualities. I determined the key characteristics of each style and created this screencast for others to have a better understanding of the types of leadership that exist. By examining the different leadership styles and creating this screencast, I have a better understanding of the leadership styles I may encounter throughout my professional practice. I also developed an idea of the qualities I believe would make an effective leader as an educator and continue to work toward developing and maintaining these qualities.
This vision addresses the importance in choosing a technology director with the necessary leadership qualities to effectively integrate technology in the classroom. I provided details regarding three crucial elements in effectively integrating technology through optimal leadership and provided a thorough explanation of each. By creating this vision, I was able to apply my understanding of effective leadership to determine the imperative qualities and steps a technology director must take to best incorporate technology in the classroom in a way that both teachers and learners can be successful. In constructing my vision, I had to be intentional about the use of technology and what it means to be successful in incorporating technology into the classroom.
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I created a plan that describes a half day professional development experience in which teachers and staff will learn how to use the new learning management system selected by the district. This plan details the learning outcome for participants, the agenda, resources necessary and connection to Technological, Pedagogical, and Content (TPACK) knowledge. By including the TPACK framework, I was able to explain my rationale for designing this professional development experience in a way that meets the criteria of the district but allows for individualization in designing classes based on the teacher's understanding of TPACK and how they use this framework in the classroom. This plan allowed me to use the TPACK framework in a real world situation and to gain experience in planning professional development.