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My Cover Letter

To Whom It May Concern,


It is with a high level of interest that I submit my application for the Chemistry or Mathematics position with your district.  I believe that my instructional abilities, work ethic and ability to connect with students would greatly benefit your educational program.  


After graduating from Michigan State University with a B.A. in Chemistry and a minor in Mathematics, I was given the opportunity to student teach in both subject areas at Holt High School. Throughout my student teaching at Holt, I found that inquiry based learning was a highly beneficial style of teaching. In my two years at Tecumseh West STEAM Learning Center, I’ve continued to implement practices that allow for these authentic learning experiences. I have taken part in the implementation of Project Based Learning and seen firsthand the benefits of cross curricular instruction. I strive to continue providing students with a stimulating, challenging, and healthy learning environment that will allow them to become active participants in their learning experience. 


My knowledge, skills and experience make me the perfect person for the Chemistry or Mathematics teaching position. I would be an asset to your school and would love the opportunity to assist in the development and progression of your students’ learning.  In addition, my certification in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Technology in Learning allows for flexibility across a range of subjects.


I am passionate about teaching students and forge relationships with them that help build a sense of confidence and enable them to grow as learners. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my skills and experience can meet the needs of your students. Thank you for your consideration. 







Chelsea Tinney

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