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Response to Intervention

What is it?

Response to Intervention, also known as RtI, is an intervention program in which learners can receive different levels of support to help them be successful. RtI has also been used to identify learners with learning disabilities based on their response to the intervention. Usually there are three tiers to RtI, however this may change from district to district.

What does this look like in the classroom?

Tier one occurs in the general education classroom. Teachers use research-based instruction to provide support for learners. In this tier, teachers assess all learners which is known as universal screening. Learners progress is monitored weekly or bi-weekly so that teachers can provide in class support through the use of small groups or other research-based practices. In some cases tier one support is not enough for learners and they move on to tier two.


In tier two, learners continue to participate in regular classroom instruction as well as small group instruction that occurs at a different time. Learners in tier two participate in small group instruction for 30-60 minutes, a few times a week. The material is taught using different instructional practices as the practices in tier one were not successful. Learners progress is again closely monitored to determine if progress is being made or if learners need to move on to tier three.


In tier three (or the last tier depending on the school district), learners receive one on one or very small group instruction everyday for 60-90 minutes. These groups may include learners who are receiving special education services as well as learners who need to work on the same skill(s). Often, if a learner reaches tier three, they will be recommended for evaluation for special education services.


Progress monitoring is the driving force in RtI. Teachers continue to assess the progress of learners weekly or bi-weekly to ensure that learners are receiving the support and interventions necessary to be successful.

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